You may be a brilliant writer, office personnel, editor or  a highly skilled worker— but if you’re unprofessional, your career is likely to fall short. 

PROFESSIONALISM  is the competence or skill expected of a professional.  It  is not just an ordinary word, it needs to be practiced and nurtured. Being professional does not only mean that you excel in the field you are in or you perform your tasks well but also living out the best simple traits and virtues of man while fulfilling your duties.

On my part,  being professional is not that hard. Starting from scratch and appreciating every little thing along your journey of becoming professional will contribute to the cultivation of that professionalism in every individual.

At this point I will be sharing to you my own recipe of attaining professionalism.
  • Do More Than Expected

As trainees, we are given tasks to be done throughout a certain frame of time. Though given less time to accomplish your tasks, one must exert extra effort and patience in doing your work. Think as if it is your last and must think out of the box and offer a different approach on the task given to you. Compete with yourself all the time and never settle for mediocrity.

  • Be on TIME

Being good alone does not make you a professional. You must also take into consideration the time, ALWAYS. Be on the place you are told to be before or on time. Adjust your speed with the deadlines without compromising the result

  • Communicate effectively

Remember, that you are not working solely for yourself but for a certain company. To be able to work well, you need to have a close connection with other people around you. Share what you think and never hesitate to ask for help. A group effort is necessary especially in decision making. Whether verbal or written, professionals communicate clearly, concisely, thoroughly, and accurately.

  •  Follow Rules and Appreciate and support those you work with. 
 According to an article I have read, Practicing good manners and proper etiquette is very essential. One must have high ethical and moral standards. Remember to be honest and fair in all of your dealings with others. Obey the law. These may sound like the attributes of a student following their school's rule book, but they are basic values that all professionals should follow. Professionals adhere to high values and principles.

  • Praise other people and not yourself.

Respect and acknowledge the talents of your peers. There is nothing more unprofessional than telling the whole world how good and wonderful you are. Practice humility within you and wait to be appreciated by others. That time will definitely come.

  • Always say thank you and keep a smile on your face.

Be thankful of the experiences you have been into and with the persons you have worked with. Always maintain that smile and the right attitude with you wherever you may go because the way you do your task determines the kind of person you are.

In the end, professionalism is not as hard as it is. It is easy to attain but it needs  genuine dedication to be fitted to be called one. 

“Professionalism: It’s NOT the job you DO, It’s HOW you DO the job.” 

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    Angelica Fay M. Saniel

    is my name. I'm simple, optimistic and emotional.

    I get along with friends well because I'm bubbly and out going. For others, I'm serious and diligent.

    Many may probably say I'm boring but let me just stress this out "I don't bother to do stupid things just to be accepted by anyone."

    CALL me Frank, CALL me Stupid but that's me, no pretensions. I do things for a reason because I know I'll be the one facing its consequences.

    I love helping others without asking anything in return from them. This is not boasting this is true. 

    Most of the time people laugh at me. 
    Most of the time I make them smile.
    Then, I realized:

    Do I look like a clown or am I just funny?

    I don't care what they say about me, as long as there is still someone who believes in me I am confident to face the world.  


    August 2012

